10年成立后, 生产出各类气动枪钉如:J10、J4、J12、N、K、C型钉,各种镀铜镀锌U型钉及32、35系列镀铜镀锌封箱钉,100多个规格品种,并能够和美国STANLEY、日本MAX、德国BEA及国内各种名牌钉枪配套,产品广泛应用于家具、装潢、沙发、音箱、工艺品、木、竹、办公椅、摩托车坐垫、汽车、火车、飞机内饰件等皮革、塑料制品,产品具有联结牢固、安全方便、使用效率高等优点,受到国内外用户一致好评。
通过我们的共同努力让新轲走向世界、让世界认识徽工。Sun City New Ke Hardware Co., Ltd. is located in the scenic south of Yangtze River, foot of King Pavilion poetry, the connection Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the "Golden Triangle " area. Is an excellent manufacturer of industrial nails.
For example, C-nails in the car seats, mattresses, large-scale use on bird cages; volume nailed wooden pallets, wooden packaging a lot of use; code nails in furniture, wood packaging is widely used;
Using the tools provided by our company during the same time, I use my consumption of materials provided, make you a better efficiency, the optimal quality assurance, I hope my service to create your success.
Through our joint efforts for new Ke to the world, let the world know works logo.
- 所在地区:安徽省宣城市宣州区
- 行业分类:普通机械制造业
所在地:安徽省宣城市经营范围:铸铁及精加工件生产及销售。 所在地:安徽省宣城市经营范围:工程车及汽车配件、润滑油、机油、汽车装潢用品销售,汽车交易信 所在地:安徽省宣城市经营范围:水暖器材、劳保用品、五金机电设备批发兼零售。*** 所在地:安徽省宣城市经营范围:电动工具、气动工具、手动工具、空压设备、机器配件、工业用品、 所在地:安徽省宣城市经营范围:大中型客货车传动轴及配件、汽车配件、精密模具生产、研发、销售